La Palma's "Infinite Bounce" Emphasizes the Importance of Forward Momentum


La Palma, a duo who splits their time between San Francisco and Philly, have released another fuzzed-out, found-sound single, “Infinite Bounce.” Pulling from universal feelings of burnout and fatigue, La Palma revisit the same writing and recording techniques that they used on March’s “Ohio.” Sonically, the track is a hazy mix of vibrant, echoing guitar riffs and languid vocals. With purposeful percussive breaks and lyrics that emphasize the importance of avoiding stagnancy when it’s so easy to fall into it, “Infinite Bounce” could likely serve as an anthem to this phase of the pandemic. When it feels like we’ve been at a standstill for months while also losing a grip on time, how do we continue to push forward, and what are we pushing toward?

Tim Gibbon, the Philadelphia half of La Palma, broke down the track’s inspiration: “This song is really about trying to find forward momentum. We’re bouncing around our tiny south Philly row house with two young kids, no school, trying to work remotely, can’t see friends, trying to engage in social justice movements… and it’s easy to burn out and feel stuck. The name ‘Infinite Bounce’ is like trying to catch some inertia that will move us forward, into a better future, not just bounce back.”

With a second single that focuses on the need for connection and motivation during these most uncertain times, La Palma seems to have found their sweet spot. The use of found sounds and socially distant production techniques are what set them apart even when a lot of other bands have no choice but to record separately. They’ve been experts at this for a while now, what with living on opposite coasts. It’s how they make the most out of the sounds they surround themselves with every day that set this track, and their previous single, apart from the rest of the quarantine-based songs I’ve stumbled upon over the last few months.