Day 7: 2018 Goals

It might just be the placebo of knowing that today is new, but I woke up feeling so refreshed and optimistic and motivated (something that seems hard to come by lately), and I had this really overwhelming feeling that I will make something great out of myself this year. Like I have for the last three years or so, I sat down the other day to write out my goals and resolutions, most of which are oriented towards self-help/personal betterment, and I thought, "What's stopping me this year?" Because, like most people, I lose the desire to really make changes by the time February rolls around, and I want this year to be different. I feel like I'm very close to being the version of myself that I am truly happy with, but there's still work that needs to be done. This post is going to be the most personal and long-winded, because I feel like everyone goes through the rush of anticipating a new year, and then the drag of wondering why they made so many promises to change. 

There's a lot at stake this year. Personally, at least. I'm finishing up my third year of college, making plans to move into a place on my own, taking those first baby steps towards (hopefully) solidifying a somewhat "real" job, and working towards growing this blog as much as I can. I think that's the key theme of my resolutions this year - personal growth. Whether it's emotional, professional, or physical, I really want to grow myself into a better, more driven, more compassionate, more positive person. Always easier said than done, but I feel like I've reached the point, or perhaps the age, where I really do think these specific goals I've set are attainable as long as I'm mindful. 

However - you're here to read out the goals I've set for this blog, so I'll focus specifically on those. I just wanted to give you a little insight into my headspace, because it will show through future posts anyways. 

As for myself, I'm continuing my internship at WXPN for the spring semester, and then hopefully working up to a part or full-time paid position if my editor is interested. That would be ideal, at least. I'd intern there forever, though. It's the most fun I've ever had at a job. But if not, then I've considered looking into positions at Radio 104.5, seeing as the studio is steps away from my campus. I would also like to learn from a professional how to grow a small "business" like ours. Our social media following is weak, if we're being honest, and I know that we're not taking all the necessary steps to get as much coverage as we can, so that's something I would like to build throughout this year as well. 

Dylan has plans to apply for a summer photography internship at WXPN (!!!) and is also on the lookout for small bands heading out on summer tours that need a photographer to ride along. I think he would be perfect for that. He also wants to head back to Firefly Music Festival (and so do I) with the goal of taking pictures for the festival throughout the week, which is a tough job to come by, but I know he can do it. 

Overall, our goals are personal yet still cohesive and team-worthy. We always have each other and this project in mind, because we know how lucky we are to do what we do. I hope everybody can find something like this, because this is truly a passion project if I've ever seen one. 

I want to thank you all for reading throughout this week; it was very post-heavy and I'm not used to doing that, but it's inspired me to really plan ahead for this year, and that makes me beyond excited. 

Until then, we're going to enjoy the start of a new beginning. 

Emily HerbeinComment