Great Good Fine Ok debuts "III" at The Foundry

Dylan Eddinger Photography

Dylan Eddinger Photography

Great Good Fine Ok, a synthpop duo from upstate New York, ended their month-long tour promoting their newest album at The Foundry at The Fillmore on January 31st. While I wasn’t as familiar with their music as I would have liked to have been before the show, I was surprised that I recognized their more popular songs, like the new release “Take It or Leave It,” and “Without You.” 

Singer Jon Sandler has this eclectic, almost ethereal sound to his voice. His effortless falsetto, present in nearly every song, is so incredibly smooth and appealing, and the way he is able to quickly transition between a head and chest voice makes their songs something completely different than what I’m used to hearing today. 

Dylan Eddinger Photography

Dylan Eddinger Photography

Other founding member Luke Moellman jams onstage with his xylophone and glow-in-the-dark mallets, while occasionally breaking out the completely crowd-pleasing keytar when they played songs off the new album, entitled “III.”

GGFO released their first EP, “Body Diamond” in 2014 followed by “2M2H” in 2015. 

Dylan Eddinger Photography

Dylan Eddinger Photography

The Foundry was a new location for me. It’s right above the Fillmore’s main stage in a private bar setting, with a small stage and bar space to lounge and listen to music in a chill environment. This was the perfect set up for GGFO. 

The stage specifically was eye-catching for this show. The lighting was vibrant and eclectic and pulsed to the beat of each song. The lighting was a part of the show, and it made the small space really feel like we were on a dance floor. 

Great Good Fine Ok’s newest release, “III,” is out now! I’m definitely a fan, give it a listen! This album is the perfect soundtrack for a laid-back night. 

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