Clarity: April 2021

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This playlist from Christian is an ideal listen for me. It’s a go-to when I need things to feel calm and make for the perfect backdrop to a shadowed day inside when you’re working at home along with the rain. With the exception of 100 Gecs, Olivia Rodrigo, and Black Midi, this playlist emphasizes the importance of reflection and slowing down. Maybe those fast-paced moments remind us not to slow down too much so we get stuck, but either way — these songs are perfect if you need to just be for a little while. I really enjoyed this one. He says it better below. Make sure you follow Philly Live on Spotify before you listen.

x, Em

April regrettably begins with a posthumous reflection of a life and legacy taken from us far too soon. Like February before it (marred by the passing of SOPHIE), the world lost another burgeoning artist who resonated with me in a peculiar way. Adam Perkins seemed, by all accounts, a voracious creative. The absurd Vines he made several years ago continue to live on in compilations on YouTube, to be quoted and giggled over for posterity. When his twin brother, Patrick, announced he had passed, he shared that Adam had silently released an album in 2018 under the name Plas Teg. This collection of songs, often somber and pensive, sent me down a bit of a rabbit hole. I became lost in dizzying finger-picking, speak-singing lullabies, and warm walls of sound that can be found across this playlist to varying degrees. Let us manifest: that the metaphorical showers of April conjure growth and life in the flowers of May. Until next time.