Taylor Kelly's Latest Anthem, "I Am," Is the Tight Embrace We All Need

Photo by Brian Bruno

Photo by Brian Bruno

Taylor Kelly has a way of making every track she releases feel like a beacon of hope. Her previous release, “The Fire,” listens like a wakeup call when you feel like you can’t pull yourself out of something that feels so much bigger than yourself. After a string of single releases this year, Kelly has managed to still keep her head up despite the looming presence of the music industry’s “what ifs.” With that comes a lot of self-doubt as a creator - something even I struggle with constantly. One thing that this quarantine has managed to blanket over a lot of people is a cloud of self-doubt. With the downtime, we’re left to wonder, “Am I doing the right thing? Am I good enough? Am I talented enough?” Kelly’s answer is so simple: “I am.” We are.

With a heavier, synthetic soundscape than any of her recent singles paired with echoing vocals (and a choir!!!), “I Am” reinforces that, for Kelly, “everything I need is right here with me.” With the syncopated drum beat and isolated lyrics during the building pre-chorus, it’s impossible not to feel lifted. This song successfully encourages the listener that every self-doubt they feel is normal, but every moment of self-love is one thousand times more important. No one can really validate you except yourself.

I am everything, beauty, strength, love, and pain. I am it all.

YES! This track is such a winner it makes me want to scream. It’s exactly what we need right now, as things still hang in a balance and a lockdown is (likely) on the horizon. I was lucky enough to hear this song live right before quarantine, and if that emphatic chorus gives you chills on the recorded version, can you imagine how it felt to hear in person?

Taylor Kelly and her band premiered this song at The Boom Room, and you can watch the performance back here. You can stream “I Am” below or anywhere else you find music.