Maggie Mae's "Hometown" Is a Thank You Note To Her Non-Believers

Maggie Mae, photo by Alex Buschiazzo

Maggie Mae, photo by Alex Buschiazzo

Maggie Mae’s latest single, “Hometown,” is an expertly tension-building explosion of acoustic blues energy. Fronted by Maggie Mae Gallmann, the band debuted a video for the track at the end of October and performed at Manayunks’s The Grape Room for a real crowd. “Hometown” is such a refreshing listen, especially right now. Nothing quarantine related, nothing political. It’s a legitimate feel-good song. Gallmann’s vocals are so shining and clear and, despite its lyrical backhanded energy, it makes me feel really great. It’s a narrative about - literally - getting out of that town that you knew had nothing for you and standing up for yourself against that guy who will never leave. “How does it feel to be the king of your hometown?” Insignificant, and Gallmann wants you to know that. I love the badass attitude you can hear so clearly in her voice.

Sonically, there’s a beautiful brass element to this song that feels completely right. One of Gallmann’s strengths is knowing how to blend an acoustic feeling with a big band sound. With bluesy, iambic vocal lines, and a constant piano and drum beat, the verses have an element of pacing to them, and then the choruses crash together with an electric guitar rip and a swell of echoing vocals, followed by isolated brass lines. This song listens in chapters to me, and I really like that each part can hold its own. The pre-choruses are delicate but still not to be messed with. The bridge is affirmative and encouraging. The choruses are anthemic. And the best part is, she isn’t seeking anyone’s approval or validation. That’s the absolute best part of this song. There’s so much cohesion between the theme, sound, and attitude of “Hometown.” Gallmann and her band nailed this feeling.

You can listen to “Hometown” below or anywhere else you find music.