Space Donkey & The Moonbouncers will take you on a trip with "One Small Step"

South Philly funk-rockers are slowing things down with their latest single, “One Small Step (Song for Michael Collins).” The track is last of three singles that will be released as an EP under the title T-Ball Strikeout, due August 23rd.

One Small Step Cover Art (bigger).jpg

Unlike much of their previous work, “One Small Step” listens like a ballad, and the lyrics tell the story of the underrated astronaut, Michael Collins, who was onboard the historic Apollo 11 mission to the moon. The song itself is purposefully released on the 50th anniversary of the moon landing, keeping with the band’s astrological theme.

The lyrics tell Collins’s life story, which begins on Halloween 1930, explores the unassuming demeanor of the third and just as important astronaut who Kennedy sent into space. The purposefully lethargic acoustic guitar strums almost as if you’re floating in space, a part of the expedition. The chorus vocals are echoey and remind me a lot of The Dark Side Of The Moon, an appropriate comparison.

The thought behind releasing a single in honor of the moon landing and focusing on arguably the least recognizable astronaut is nothing shy of incredibly smart marketing on SDMB’s part. The song will listen in the exact opposite way you’d expect if you compare it to any of their previous releases (“Fuck That Shit,” anyone?). It’s an example of the growth that T-Ball Strikeout is sure to show listeners. They’re more than just a grungy funk band. “One Small Step” is a substantial ballad with a lot of heart behind it, beautiful technical work, and dedication to a very difficult scene.

T-Ball Strikeout is set for release on August 23rd, with a record release show the night of at Ortlieb’s.

You can stream “One Small Step (Song for Michael Collins)” below.

One Small Step (Song for Michael Collins), an album by Space Donkey and the Moonbouncers on Spotify