Voices In Power: Philly's top rated open mic isn't just about the art

Voices In Power, Copyright Dylan Eddinger Photography

Voices In Power, Copyright Dylan Eddinger Photography

I never considered that an open mic poetry slam would redefine the definition of a safe space in nearly every sense of the word, but after leaving a Voices In Power event, I realized that the people who surrounded me that night were some of the most genuine and welcoming souls I'd ever met. 

Voices In Power also redefines the meaning of vulnerability. Sure, some of the first timers who read were probably terrified to share some of their darkest moments put into writing for a bunch of strangers. I absolutely would have been. But for others who had been there before - they knew that the courage to share in the first place was what would be embraced no matter what. Recognizing that was the most empowering thing. 

While I showed up for the art, I left realizing that the true meaning of this group was connection. The night was run by Luis Marrero, founder of IMSUPERDOPE.com, a collective that inspires up and coming artists and entrepreneurs to connect with each other and cultivate their talents in a way that inspires positivity and creativity throughout the city of Philadelphia. That was carried out through the entire night of Voices In Power's slam. Everybody was encouraged to and applauded for sharing their stories. Everybody promoted something that they were a part of that they wanted to spread the word about. Marrero also stressed the importance of philanthropy through these events, explaining that the focus isn't only on the art, but also on helping to make a positive change in the world in whatever way they can. This month, there was lots of focus on providing aid to Puerto Rico in light of their most recent natural disaster, because no matter how far away, something like this really does affect us here at home. 

Above all, though, this poetry slam was fun. The performers were mind-blowingly fantastic, and that feeling of "this is why I write" overtook me and really gave me the urge to get up on stage next time. So, maybe I will. Everybody was constantly smiling and supporting each other, and Marrero broke up the night a few times to play some games with the crowd and force an interaction between people who'd never met each other before. I live on a very welcoming and enthusiastic college campus, but I really don't think I've ever been around as many excited and personable people than I was at this slam. I think that says a lot. 

If you're looking for a group of people that shares your passion for art and creativity and connection, look up Voices In Power. Even if you don't think poetry is your scene, I beg you to come try it out. You'll leave with a new friend if nothing else, I promise. 

Voices In Power, Copyright Dylan Eddinger Photography

Voices In Power, Copyright Dylan Eddinger Photography